Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas memories and hockey puff recipe

Wow. Does anyone else feel like Christmas blew in and out with a mighty force? I can't believe it is over, maybe it's because I have a sweet little boy who still asks to open presents as soon as he wakes up. Although I have to admit it was pretty cute listening to him try to grasp the meaning of Christmas.

I did a lot of reading stories of the birth of Jesus, and I tried to make sure we read something before we opened up each of the boy's advent calendars. After one reading session (some of you may remember my posting this on FB) I wanted to try and quiz Cole to see if any of it was sinking in.

Me: Hey Cole, what did God put in the sky to help the Shepherds find baby Jesus?
Cole: BEES!!!!

.....thinking I needed to ask maybe something a bit simpler

Me: Um, ok..... what did the Wisemen ride on when they went to find baby Jesus?
Cole: A BIKE!

.......He said both with such passion, and sounded so sure of his answers that I had a hard time correcting him, and just told him we would be doing more reading in the following days.... years...however long it takes so that he doesn't get confused as to why no one mentions bees or bikes when telling the birth of Christ.

We will get there, someday.

However, he did somehow manage to cling onto the fact that Christmas wasn't just about presents (although he quite enjoyed opening them)....but about "Desus Birfday"! We were constantly counting down the days, and he would always get excited to see that we were getting close to celebrating the birthday of Jesus. On Christmas Eve he announced to me that he wanted a cake for Desus and that it must have candles, and that he would be blowing them out. So I tossed some candles in my purse (and decided that they would be used for Jesus and my sister, who just so happens to share her birthday with Jesus).

I feel bad, I actually didn't take a whole lot of pictures this Christmas, don't really know why. I think because most of the time it was kind of chaotic (in a good way). Christmas morning I was taking video, as i wanted to get their reactions when they saw what was under the tree. And then it just seemed to go downhill from there in the picture taking department.

But all in all we had a very wonderful Christmas season, it seemed like we celebrated all month long...which we kind of did between both families. Cole got to decorate his first gingerbread house with Bramma and Brampa, and by decorate I mean, he piled candies all around his house, some wrapped and some unwrapped...didn't really make much difference to him.

This was just the beginning of the candy piling.....

We decided we will have to document the improvement of such decorating in the following years. I'm sure both boys will gladly oblige and I'm sure there will many more piles of candy (I mean, isn't that the goal when your young, cram as much candy on the house as possible....more candy on, means more candy in the tummy later on....) Too bad, we didn't let that candy get into their bellies.....

And as many of you remember a huge part of my family's Christmas are these guys..... we celebrated a bit early with my side and ate our traditional hockey puffs. Turns out I could have shared the recipe back when I first talked about them, but in all honesty didn't realize I had the recipe on hand. So here you go for all who requested it. :)

Hockey Puffs ( Or Runza Rolls)
Source: Our Family Recipe Book

1 pkg active dry yeast
1 1/2 C warm water
2/3 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
2/3 C shortening
2 eggs
1 C lukewarm mashed potatoes
7 to 7 1/2 C flour

Dissolve yeast in warm in large bowl. Stir in sugar, salt, shortening, eggs, potatoes, and 4 cups flour. Beat until smooth, mix in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl; turn greased side up, cover bowl tightly. Refrigerate at least 8 hours but no longer than 5 days.

Punch dough down. Roll dough into oblong shape and cut into squares.

Place 1-2 tbls of filling (recipe following) into the center of squares. Pull all the side up around filling and pinch together. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until lightly browned.

Serve with mustard and ketchup. We always drank hot apple cider whenever we had them :)

For the Filling:

3 C shredded cabbage
1 1/2 lbs ground beef (or turkey)
1/2 C chopped onion
1/2 C water
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Brown meat and onion; drain off excess grease. Add cabbage, seasonings and water. Simmer 15-20 minutes. Make sure all liquid has been absorbed. Then continue with the directions above.

I hope you all enjoy these as much as we do. I seriously can't get enough of them.

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